Some people are cut out to be employed. Stability is their pace-maker.
Others need independence ~ in being their own boss, managing their own time. Independence is their adrenaline. Freedom and flexibility keeps their heart pumping; keeps them feeling alive.
Some people can manage life, living paycheck to paycheck. Others want more ~ more challenge, more variety, more experience, more choice. It's like a journey of self-discovery; seeing how far you can go, and how much you need to take you there.
It's more difficult for a wage earner to be wealthy. We're talking high net worth. Unless one owns stock options, has the ear of the boss, and access to the corporate jet, life would be pretty well laid out for the professional man. One needs to be an entrepreneur, investor, and risk-taker of a higher order if one wishes to live among the top 5% of society's rich and famous. Or you could marry into there.
Today the financial markets are volatile to say the least. Fear and uncertainty have wreaked havoc. The US rating downgrade, the Debt Ceiling issue, the European financial crisis have all contributed to the chaos. So how? What to do with your money? How to make some ~ at a time like this?
How to maintain calm and logic; that's how the experts say to remain in control of your (life) finances. Preserving financial independence is the objective. Too many people have "caved" and fallen victims to stress, depression, worthlessness and self-loathing because of the mistakes made. Have you suffered any of these?
In the midst of financial chaos, what factors remain certain? What can we count on? Despite the dim economic outlook, Asia and the emerging markets will lead growth and recovery.
As long as investors put their money behind companies that sell goods and services that have strong brand positioning they need not fear.
As long as investors put their money behind EU and US cos that are selling goods and services with strong branding in Asia and the emerging markets, they need not fear.
To reduce risk, investors must learn to hedge should markets drop. Here are some strategies:
(a) Buy safe haven currencies
(b) Buy precious metals
(c) Buy top quality defensive sector companies that are plugged into Asia and the emerging
markets. Essential services such as food, healthcare, and natural resources.
(d) Buy bonds - physical or ETFs
(e) Buy into the Chicago Board of Trade Volatility Index (VIX)
Why am I mad about money? No money no talk. No money no best life.