The Size of Your World is the Depth of Your Consciousness

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Personal Power. You know how much you really have in the worst of times.

My work is to build PERSONAL POWER. To inspire courage, confidence, and freedom so we live our best life.

I work through my writing, speaking, team coachings, and trainings. I work with special focus groups, executives in corporations, and personal development centres.

Personal Power – How do we know if we have it?
We know how much we have and how well it functions in the worst of times, when we are challenged, when we face unchartered territory, when all solutions seem not to work. This is when we measure most accurately our personal power. How we perform—THINK, FEEL, SPEAK, DO and appear—that energy that propels us from each hurdle, challenge, or breakdown... to achievement and breakthrough is our personal power.

Simply ask yourself, "Can I do it?" (your desired outcome). And notice the emphasis on "I," meaning self-attained. No dependence on other factors. Pacing the issue outwards, we could ask, "What makes me happy?" "How would I define success?" And if your answer suggests the need for outside factors, then you'd be off the mark. Self-reliance is key. Self-initiated Self-defined results is what Personal Power is about. It's all about what comes out of you---- from you for a purpose.

Yes, it would be YOUR skill to have inspired others to come and support you. Yes it would be YOUR sincerity and vulnerability that inspired others to trust you. Yes, that counts. 

Different from our standing in society (hierarchy of where we are placed), personal power doesn’t come from authority, titles, experience or competence. Confidence, capability… may be derivatives of power, but doesn’t define it.

Personal power goes beyond any kind of power that is bestowed on us by outside forces. Personal power is self-made (I get it from myself), it’s acquired from within ~ our resourcefulness (beliefs and attitudes), our resilience (energy management), and our integrity (living within our principles). 

Our ability to respond to life comes from our PERSONAL POWER. How much are we “at the effect of” life? Do we see ourselves as victims of circumstance? How good is our choice-making? Can we influence? Can we collaborate? We measure personal power from here.

Funnily not all leaders have personal power. Some may have been "put there" for certain reasons. They may not have earned their place upstairs at all!

I don't like identifying with the hard times in my life; my years of professional training, my divorce, starting my own business, being robbed at knifepoint, dealing with my mother's death, caring for an autistic relative, dealing with financial losses, etc. Yet those events shaped me. Now I use those times as checkpoints of how well I've grown, evolved, and resurrected to a higher being. Yes, I've had to make peace with my past. And I have a pretty solid idea of how much personal power I have.

#Resilience                 #Fitness
#Acceptance              #Flexibility
#Self-Trust                  #Integrity
#Self-Value                 #Sensitivity
#Focus                         #Passion
#SenseOfPurpose    #Love
#Courage                    #Intelligence
#Spirituality                #Openness to Learning
#Determination        #Drive for more
#Commitment           #Protecting the Greater Good
#Influence                  #Persistence

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